5 Small, concrete ideas for more sustainable businesses

It’s a big task for an entrepreneur to make their business completely sustainable. Many don’t even start because of this. That’s why it’s worth beginning with small, sustainable ideas that can be quickly implemented. This creates motivation for further steps. Here are some ideas on how to start sustainably:

Sustainable energy

Switching to sustainable energy is not only sensible at home but also in your own business. With a green electricity plan, the supplier must produce/purchase at least as much green energy as they sell. This way, you can be sure that all the electricity you consume is sustainably produced. Here is a list of green energy providers (in German). By the way, many city utilities also allow you to simply switch tariffs.

Sustainable bank

At first glance, it may not be obvious why a sustainable bank is so important. Banks finance many business projects, which gives them significant influence on sustainability. A sustainable bank invests its deposits exclusively in sustainable projects and companies. This also means that you’ll only get a loan from such a bank if you’re implementing a sustainable project. Here’s a list of sustainable banks.

Equipping the office sustainably

Sustainable shopping is another area to consider. It can become quite time-consuming if you have to research each item individually. That’s why it’s best to tackle one thing at a time.

Snacks: If you offer fruit/snacks to your employees, many cities have fruit and vegetable boxes (e.g., “Ökokiste“). You can also start with your nearest zero-waste store.

Office supplies: There are now specialized portals for office supplies, or you can filter by sustainability with some providers. Here’s a list of shops where you can order sustainable office supplies.

Drinks: You can easily provide your employees with water by installing a water dispenser with a fixed water connection.

Office furniture: If you’re starting fresh, you can look for used furniture. However, make sure that the furniture is “fit for purpose” since not every sustainable piece of furniture is suitable for daily office use. Home furniture tends to wear out more quickly. The most sustainable furniture is the kind that lasts a long time. Larger companies can also consult interior designers, who are usually knowledgeable about this.

Designing the website sustainably

Website hosting consumes a lot of energy. Cloud services are more energy-efficient than running your own servers.

Small projects can be hosted with companies like 1&1 or Goneo, both of which have sustainability strategies and use 100% green energy in their German data centers.

Larger projects require more power, and in terms of scalability, only one of the big three cloud providers will suffice. When it comes to sustainability, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure are the recommended options.

Sustainable travel & commuting

Switching from planes to trains for travel within Germany is an obvious choice, even if it might be a bit more expensive. You can encourage your employees to use public transportation by subsidizing tickets.

For non-sales employees, a company car isn’t necessary, and it’s thankfully no longer viewed as a prized perk.

Startups probably have an easier time than established businesses in making their companies sustainable. Since they have to build everything from scratch and choose suppliers, they can opt for sustainable ones right away.

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